Phillips Respironics Bipap Vision Rental
[866] 490-1609
- Brand
- Respironics
- SKU:
- Mrent Bipap Vision
- Condition:
- Refurbished
- Availability:
- (866) 490-1609
- Weight:
- 0.00 LBS
Equipment rental is not available to private patients.
We Rent the Phillips Respironics Bipap Vision
Simple setup and adjustment
The BiPAP Vision is designed specifically to address the unique requirements of NIV within the hospital, including changing leaks, dynamic breathing patterns, and high FIO2and flow demand. The BiPAP Vision features accurate monitoring, reliable alarms, and an intuitive menu.
Dynamic leak compensation and auto-adaptive triggering and cycling
Auto-Trak ensures optimum sensitivity despite changing breathing patterns or circuit leaks. Auto-adaptive triggering and cycling reduce work of breathing and support patient-ventilator synchrony, supporting patient compliance and reducing the need for manual adjustments.
Ideal for acute and sub-acute settings
The BiPAP Vision is designed with advanced technology to be accurate, reliable, and easily upgradeable. This low-cost alternate form of sub-acute therapy may reduce the need for intubation for certain patients.